Promoting British Values


All maintained schools and academies must meet the requirements set out in section 78 of the Education Act 2002 and promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of their pupils. Through ensuring pupils’ SMSC development, schools can also demonstrate they are actively promoting fundamental British values. (DFE November 2014).

The fundamental British values are defined by the DFE as: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs .

At Burtonwood CP School we regularly promote and reinforce these values throughout the curriculum, during RHSE, RE and through assemblies and collective worship. At the school we will not only focus on your child's academic progress but also their social, moral and cultural education. We want them to develop the vital personal qualities of kindness, tolerance and honesty as well as a moral code of what is right and wrong. This will help them develop into responsible citizens in the future.


How we promote it:

  • We have an elected school council. The children learn about the electoral process, voting and this gives us the opportunity to teach about democracy. Our school council meets regularly throughout the year and represents the children within each class, allowing all to have a voice. The school council have recently been involved in organising whole school events such as the Race for Life and fundraising events throughout the year.
  • During general election campaigns, the children extended and enriched their learning about democracy and Parliament. For example in Year 5 and 6, children learned about how Parliament works and how the General Election votes in the new government. The two classes held elections, creating their own parties and manifestos, presenting their ideas to the ‘electorate’ and conducting a vote. Other national and international events such as the European Referendum have enriched the children’s learning.
  • Circle Time:In every class, circle time is used to discuss issues and resolve problems. Circle time encourages children to express their views on a range of issues and to respect the views of others.
  • RSHE: (Relationships, sex and health education) is taught in every year group; it is linked to the SEAL curriculum and includes aspects of democracy.
  • The children make informed choices about school fundraising events that they would like to host such as organising cake sales and bracelet making that support those who are less fortunate. Last year the children raised money for international causes –  Christmas Child Shoe Box Appeal, Soccer Aid, Red Nose Day and UNICEF Day for Change as well as national causes – Children in Need, Sports Relief and charities linked to children and staff – Hope Tea, Diabetes Typeonsie Day, Race for Life. The school choir have performed at St Roccos and Old Vicarage. Annually the school also puts on a Christmas Carol Concert for the Senior Citizens in the village.
  • Through their curriculum children in Year 6 learn about how democracy developed in Ancient Greece and contrast democracy in the UK with the systems in China.

Rule of Law

How we promote it:

  • Our school’s behaviour and discipline policy promotes fairness, equality, inclusion and responsibility.
  • The children are taught from an early age the rules of the school. Our children create and adhere to our school and class rules.
  • Children are taught the value and reasons behind rules and laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken through assemblies and the RSHE curriculum. The children learn about trust and respect and develop a strong sense of morality; knowing right from wrong.
  • Visits from authorities such as the Police and Fire Service help reinforce thismessage.

Individual Liberty

How we promote it:

  • Children are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.
  • As a school we educate and provide boundaries for young pupils to make informed choices, through a safe environment and an empowering education.
  • Children are taught to keep themselves safe, including online and e-safety. This is done through computing lessons, assemblies and RSHE as well as through the use of outside agencies such as the NSPCC.
  • Each year we hold an anti-bullying week following themes such as cyberbullying, e safety and stand up to bullying.
  • Residential visits from years 3-6 help children to become independent and builds further their confidence and self- esteem.
  • Through the curriculum children learn about significant events in the past such as World War One and Two. We promote Remembrance events annually. In the past, all the children made a ceramic poppy and the school created its’s own memorial in the grounds, they have also created a memorial display at the local library creating poppies from plastic bottles. Every year the children in Year 6 learn about the holocaust through the book Hana’s Suitcase.

Mutual respect

How we promote it:

  • Children have a deepened understanding through their learning about individuals and communities that are less fortunate than themselves. They engage in learning about global issues such as poverty, children’s rights, and explore how they can help those affected by global disasters such as earthquakes. Every year the children participate in International Day of Peace and UNICEF Day for Change.
  • The school has engaged in various international week learning about Black History or another country. Children across the school learned about tolerance and respect through studying Mother Teresa, Barack Obama, Mo Farah, Mary Seacole as well as historical events such as the slave trade and apartheid in South Africa.
  • Through our school’s values, RSHE curriculum and inclusive ethos children are taught to respect each other, to be co- operative and be collaborative. A specific range of assemblies follow themes that encourage respect and tolerance.
  • Celebration assemblies give children the opportunity to celebrate each other’s successes.
  • Children use peer assessment and feedback to respond to each other’s work and achievements.

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

How we promote it:

  • The school has developed links with local churches. A local church group have promoted Christian values through regular assemblies, dramatizing stories from the Bible. The school holds church services in Burtonwood and attend a special Christmas event at All Saints church in Newton. Spirituality is also promoted through Gospel singing in Year 4, which culminates in a concert at the Anglican cathedral in Liverpool.
  • We are currently forming a link with a school in Ethiopia.
  • We actively promote diversity through our studies of different faiths and cultures. Religious Education lessons and RSHE lessons reinforce messages of tolerance and respect for others. All major faiths are studied as part of the RE curriculum.
  • Our school studies the global dimension and the global curriculum and celebrates National and International events such as International Day of Peace, UNICEF Day for a Change and World Water Week.